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Since cultural events are not required, they do NOT contribute to the overall team score for state placement trophies, but rather are awarded event trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place from entered participants. All necessary information can be found under the Conference Letters link to Segunda Circular mailing.

Regional Dress

The regional dress contest will be held at the banquet for an award. Any student wishing to participate must be pre-registered by the deadline. Dress must be representative of a Spanish-speaking country. (Limit to 3 entries per school)



Each school may compete in the entertainment auditions: song, dance or music instrument (limit to 3 acts per school). Any student wishing to participate must be pre-registered by the deadline. Auditions will be held on Friday around noon. Entertainment must be representative of a Spanish-speaking country. Finalists will perform at the banquet for an award.



Each school may enter one scrapbook depicting the conference theme while featuring the year's activities of the Spanish students in their school. The scrapbook will be judged as followed: neatness, organization, content, creativity, use of the language, and overall effectiveness. In order for your scrapbook to be judged, it must be turned in at the registration area upon arrival on Thursday. Work submitted should be SOLELY by the students.

Poster Competition


Each school may enter one original poster depicting the conference theme. The poster will be judged on neatness, quality of graphics, design concept, appropriateness, and originality. Posters must be made of poster board and must be turned in at the registration area upon arrival on Thursday to be judged. They will be on display throughout the conference.

The awards for cultural competitions are: Primer Lugar Segundo Lugar, and Tercer Lugar. Remember: these awards will not be considered in the total point accumulation for the Outstanding School Award for the conference.


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